Cocktail O'Clock: Prosecco Spritzer

This time last week saw me in Borough Market having a lovely time eating all sorts of delicious things and quaffing lovely Monmouth coffee just before the crowds hit. It was thirsty work, so come 11am my friend Julia and I decided that refreshment was definitely in order. Luckily the Borough Bar was on hand to provide us with this yummy Prosecco Spritzer. It's so refreshing and (probably) low in alcohol that it's practically a breakfast drink anyway.

Make a big jug of it at home and have it in the garden with lots of ice and fresh mint and it'll be 2015's answer to Pimms. Mix equal parts of prosecco and lemonade with a good shot or two of peach liqueur (some Archers will actually work in this!) and stir. Drink gratefully.
We had our's sharing this incredible salted honeycomb doughnut from Bread Ahead.

Possibly my favourite breakfast of all time, challenged only by this one.